Friday, February 27, 2009

25 Random Facts

If you have a facebook you might have already seen this but I did change a few things... and I thought this was really fun to do...
Now the 25 random facts about me....
1. I have a shoe & purse obsession... and have WAY too many of both.
2. I had braces twice along with head gear and retainers. Needless to say I was an ugly child. And now I have to wear a night guard because I grind my teeth.
3. I think I am slightly OCD because the majority of my things are very organized. My room & my car are a little messy... but everything besides the clothes all over the floor is pretty organzied.
4. I am an exact yellow on those personality color tests.
5. I love scrap booking and is one of my biggest hobbies at the moment next to snowboarding.
6. As of the Super Bowl this year... I finally understand football... well kind of...
7. I am a HUGE people pleaser and have a hard time being straight forward and mean when I need to be. And I'm not good with confrontation.
8. No offense to my friends that are one... but I just don't get the vegetarian thing... I could never do it.
9. I love photography and hope one day to do it as a hobby job.
10. I think I'm phone shy... cause I would rather text than call someone I don't know if its because I don't have patience for it but I want to change this. Sorry I'm lame.
11. I get the hiccups ALOT.
12. I love work out videos... specifically Turbo Kick. I'm actually certified to teach it.. but I'm terrified of getting up in front of people and doing it... Maybe one day I will get over it. Its so much fun though!! Check it out :)
13. My dimple is not real. When i was a hyper active child I was spinning on my dads office chair and flew off and the corner of the desk broke my fall on my cheek. My face was black and blue for a month and the muscle never grew back together.
14. I got burned by my car seat buckle when I was a baby and now have a scar on my right leg that used to look like a fish...
15. My biggest celebrity crush is Ashton Kutcher... some people say Ryan kinda looks like him :)
16. The only reason I miss high school is for the Granny B's cookies in the vending machines. I haven't been able to find one as good since..
17. My last name is seven spelled backwards
18. I took math 1050 three times... and the last time finally got a D.
19. I love popping zits. Gross I know... Which brings me to #20
20. I want to go to esthetician school and then eventually one day own my own day spa.
21. I absolutely HATE horror movies... however I laughed my butt off in 30 Days of night... BTW Josh Hartnett is a hottie :)
22. Since I have graduated high school, I have had approximately 10 different jobs. That includes part time jobs I worked on the side as well. Some of them only lasted a month or so but still that's alot! :P
23. I am probably the most indecisive person you will ever meet. And then when I finally make a decision, I often doubt myself...
24. I HATE being startled. It usually ends with me punching some one and being pissed off.
25. Its taken me 4 years to get my associates degree...

Monday, February 23, 2009


So Ryan and I aren't big on holidays where we have to deal with crowds. Last year we even did it the day before Valentines so we wouldn't have to deal with people. We kinda made it our own "Non-valentines day". But this year he had to work on the 13Th so we ended up doing on actual Valentines. It wasn't too bad since we just stayed in and I made him dinner. That was pretty much my gift to him since he told me I couldn't spend any money on him... LAME! But I'm kinda tight on money right now anyway so I didn't complain. I even attempted to make him cheesecake which is his favorite!! Thanks Brittney! It turned out pretty yummy!
But the turd went and bought me a snowboard!!! So I hope the dinner was really good!! ha ha It came just as the board so we had to go buy bindings for it later that week. All I have left now is boots and I'll be an offical snowboarding chic! I haven't had a chance to ride it yet but it came with a free day pass so hopefully we can go sometime before the season ends!! I'm so excited to keep learning on my own board!! Thanks so much babe!!
my arms look like midget arms... ha ha but then again.. I pretty much am one.